Please click the following subjects for links to relevant Federal Government Information (last updated, 2017).
- US Government Online Bookstore
Want to own a government publication of your very own? This is where to go to find one. -
The government’s official portal to information. Information is arranged by topic in a user-friendly format. - GPO Access
Place to find a variety of information about government documents, as well as links to important documents and finding aids
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
Links to national, international and local economic information. Includes full text links to “Survey of Current Business.” - Economic Census
Statistical data about the U.S. economy, compiled every five years. This site provides detailed information including establishment statistics and industry profiles.
- Census Bureau
“Helping you make informed decisions,” the Census Bureau has been responsible for collecting data about the nation’s people and economy since 1790. - Census Data
The source for population, housing, economic and geographic data. Produced by the US Census Bureau but much easier to use.
- Biographical Dictionary of the United State Congress
A searchable directory of the US Congree from 1774 to the present. - Congressional Directory
Searchable online directory of US Congressmen. Includes biographies and lists of committees served on. - Congressional Record
The official record of the debates and proceedings of the US Congress. - The Constitution (GPO)
The Constitution’s main page, with amendments, analysis and interpretations. - The Constitution (Historical)
View high resolution scans of the original Constitution on this National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) site. - Green Book (prints of the House Ways and Means Committee)
Searchable prints of the House Ways and Means Committee Green Book. As explained on the site, ” The House Ways and Means Committee Green Book provides program descriptions and historical data on a wide variety of social and economic topics, including Social Security, employment, earnings, welfare, child support, health insurance, the elderly, families with children, poverty and taxation.” - How Our Laws are made
Outline of how laws are made, going into detail for each aspect of the process. - Legislative Branch Internet Resources
Nice set of links to information about Congress, including agencies and related topics. - Thomas – Legislative Information on the Internet
The source for current bill information, the action taken on bills and resolutions, and any other information related to legislation. - United States Code
Searchable online version of the US Code. - United States House of Representatives
Official page of the United States House of Representatives. You can find your representative as well as basic information about the House. - United States Senate
Official page of the U. S. Senate. Included are links to your particular Senator and other basic information about committees, laws, and a floor schedule. - US Congress
Links to online searchable documents relating to Congress.
- U.S. Copyright Office – Records
This site allows you to search various copyright records. It is a good resource for finding more information about copyrighting your own works, etc. - US Patents and Trademark Office
US Patent and Trademark office homepage. Provides a search function to see the patent numbers etc that have already been registered.
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service
A good place to find information and statistics on crime. - Uniform Crime Reports
Various crime statistics provided by the FBI.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
Online version of the Occupational Outlook Handbook we have in the library. Contains career information on a variety of fields, including working conditions, training needed, and job prospects. - Social Security Handbook
Online guide to social security programs.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The home page of the CDC. Contains valuable heath information, about epidemics, flu shot vaccines, birth defects, anything related to disease. - Healthfinder
Guide to reliable health information online.
- Country Studies
Online version of books previously published. Contains studies on various countries, including geographical and historical information depending on the country. - The World Factbook
Information compiled by the CIA on worldwide countries. Includes geographical, political, historical and economic information. We have print form in the library. - US Department of State
Great place to find information on foreign policy, foreign travel, and press releases. - US Department of State – Human rights
Compilation of reports on the status of human rights in various countries.
- 100 Milestone Documents
A place to see images of what these milestone documents actually looked like. You can skim the Declaration of Independence or examine Lincoln’s handwriting on the Gettysburg address. Additionally, you can also get printer friendly versions. - Code of Federal Regulations
Online version of the Code of Federal Regulations, which is the “codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.” - Constitution of the United States
Includes the text of the Constitution as well as analysis. - Federal Register
“Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.”
- Ben’s Guide to US Government for Kids
Great site to introduce kids to the basics of US Government. Includes games, images to color and a section for parents and teachers. - US Government Manual
Official handbook of the federal government. Includes information about government agencies, international organizations and committees.
- USGS – Water Resources
Provides statistical information about water quality and other water resource data.
- Budget of the US Government
Budget of the United States Government since 1997. (Note, we have the most recent version in paper in the Reference Section.) - Economic Report of the President
Annual report written by the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors about the economy. - Official US Executive Branch Websites
Listing by the Library of Congress of all official pages of agencies of the Executive Branch, including the department of Homeland Security and others. - Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Compilation of Presidential papers and speeches. - The White House
The White House home page. - Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
A weekly publication of presidential statements, remarks, etc, released by the White House.
A portal to science information provided by government agencies.
- American Factfinder
The source for population, housing, economic and geographic data. Produced by the US Census Bureau but much easier to use. - County and City Data Book
The 2007 edition. Includes statistics on all US counties, select cities and other areas. - Economic Indicators
“Provides timely access to the daily releases of key economic indicators from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau.” -
Portal for federal, state and local geographic data. - National Center for Health Statistics
Great place to look for statistics on Health Related problems in the US. Produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. - Statistical Abstracts of the United States
Statistical information about social and economic conditions in the United States from 1878 onward. - Transtats
Provides statistics on all modes of transportation. Sponsered by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. - US Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Statistics and other information about jobs, employment, and the economy.
- Supreme Court Decisions – 1937-1975
Searchable interface of full text supreme court decisions from 1937 – 1975. - Supreme Court of the United States
Home page to the Supreme Court. Here you can find recent decisions as well as basic information about the court.
- US Courts
Basic information about and links to the various Federal courts in the United States.
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Includes tax information and downloadable forms.
- Federal Election Commission
Contains information on elections and voting, plus campaign finance law resources.